I have moved my blog and restyled it to match and integrate better with my website. All posts from this site have been moved and new posts are up. Find it all at http://h2meyer.com/blog
Please update your links and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Home! - Updated
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Up, up, and away!
As usual, time is a flying... The bad news last month was that PhotoShelter Collection was shutting down. Good news this month is that they have finally put some energy into the PhotoShelter Archive. It's almost good enough that I am contemplating moving the bulk of my site there. It's kind of half done at the moment. I put a "recent work" slideshow on my homepage, and added a link to "galleries" which takes you to my newly restyled PhotoShelter Archive where lots more work is available. Now it's time to start uploading more and more and more content!
Posted by
4:23:00 PM
Labels: business, photography, PhotoShelter, stock photos, update, website
Monday, August 18, 2008
Weddings, road trips, and more testimonials
Well, it has been a very busy summer. Been dividing my time between photography projects, weddings, rock climbing & travel, web development, and our urban homestead [which we like to call "InStead"].
It is time, however, to focus on the business, and as such I have gotten myself a mentor. Ethan Jewett, a good friend and wonderful talent has agreed to take me under his wing. This will definitely keep me busy for a while. I think I'm already booked solid for the week! I'm very excited and grateful for the tutelage.
My own website is woefully overdue for an overhaul, but in the meantime, I have updated the testimonials page to include some more recent raves, and have uploaded a few more pics to my Flickr page.
Posted by
5:28:00 PM
Labels: business, design, event photography, friends, InStead, lifestyle, photographer, photography, sustainability, update, website, wedding photography
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
PhotoShelter Collection Widget
I thought I would throw out a bit of eye candy today in the way of slideshow of my images that are part of the PhotoShelter Collection. As posted previously, PhotoShelter is looking to shake up the world of stock photography by putting more control, and more money back into the hands of the photographers. Can't find fault with that! Now if only some national magazine with deep pockets would actually buy something... enjoy!
*hint: if you want more info on the photo, rolling your cursor over the image will bring up part of the caption. You can also click on the image to get more details, though you may have to enable pop-up windows.
Posted by
10:15:00 AM
Labels: business, commission, photography, PhotoShelter, stock photos, website
Monday, May 5, 2008
Algonquin Long Table Party
My very good friends Albert & Maureen host a grand dinner party a couple times a year, each with an inspired theme. My favorite part, aside from seeing great friends and meeting new people is definitely the "party piece" performed by each guest. It can be a song, poem, reading, or some other talent that is shared with the group. While this may sound terrifying, even the shy folks put on an inspired performance. I took along my camera for the most recent party, which had a theme based on the Algonquin Round Table of Dorothy Parker fame. You can view the gallery on my PhotoShelter Archive.
Posted by
4:54:00 PM
Labels: documentary, event photography, friends, fun, lifestyle, photography, PhotoShelter, portrait
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Green web hosting?
Well, in my effort to think up new ways to make my business effort greener, it occurred to me today to look into finding a green web host. Much to my delight there were several to choose from, each offering various incentives like free software, access to sustainable marketing guides/libraries, planting trees for new customers, multiple/unlimited domains, etc. My favorite after reading through all the options is ThinkHost and I will now be referring anyone who asks to them. I will likewise be moving my own sites to ThinkHost as they come up for renewal. And better still, I can put them all on the same hosting account. Yay!
Posted by
2:06:00 PM
Labels: business, climate change, design, earth friendly, environmental issues, green photographer, h2meyer.com, marketing, software, sustainability, website
Friday, April 11, 2008
Perito Moreno Glacier
A massive chunk of ice calves from the face of the Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia. One of the few advancing glaciers in the world, the Perito Moreno creeps forward at a pace of around 2-3 meters per day.
Posted by
9:59:00 AM
Labels: climate change, environment, environmental issues, geography, global warming, Patagonia, Perito Moreno, photography, South America, sustainability
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tis the season...
There's a lot of truth in this comic for most independent photographers... I know I didn't fully anticipate how expensive this would get. I suppose when it was just my "hobby", I didn't have the need to keep track of how much money I spent on equipment, software, computers, etc. But now it's a requirement. I only have one word: ouch. So now I need to really focus on building a business, getting work more consistently, and yes, marketing myself.
I'm not 100% sure what the best approach is, so I'm throwing all kinds of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. I think the first thing I need to do is find a mentor or two, second is do a LOT more networking. And I need to revamp my website to start driving more traffic this way.
Posted by
9:12:00 AM
Labels: business, h2meyer.com, marketing, photographer, photography, sales, taxes, website
Friday, March 14, 2008
Shooting tethered with Aperture 2.0
Today I decided to play with Aperture 2.0's ability to shoot tethered. Not really wanting to take photos of myself or my less than tidy office, I called in my dog Ellis to sit for me while I fired off a few frames. She patiently sat, lied down, looked pensive, etc. while I fussed with lenses, angles, etc. Sunday will mark our 9th year together, so I offer this post in her honor.
As for the software, shooting tethered worked fine--set up was very simple and intuitive. Just launch Aperture 2, plug a USB cable into the camera and computer, turn the camera on and under the "File" menu, select "Tether>Start Session". You are now ready to shoot tethered.
The transfer rates while shooting seemed a little slow, but I imagine that's to be expected given the file size [shooting RAW 14-bit]. I was very disappointed, however, when I ended the tethered session and had Aperture crash on me. No data was lost, but if I were shooting a client session and that happened, I would have had a canary. Not sure yet if this is a repeatable issue nor have I checked the forums for other reports. Luckily, the shots are also captured on the camera's CF card, so there's always a back up. Like anything new - be it equipment, software, or new techniques, always try it out first on your own time.
Posted by
12:39:00 PM
Labels: 105mm, Aperture 2.0, dogs, Ellis, family, photography, portrait, software
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
New exhibition opening March 7th!
I am delighted to announce my second exhibition of photography at the Morning Star Cafe. There will be an opening reception Friday, March 7th from 6-8pm. The photos in the exhibition are from my recent trip to Patagonia and capture various aspects of the wild, rugged, austere, and vast landscape. I'm very excited to be able to show the work, and hope to see you at the opening!
The Morning Star Cafe is downtown at:
510 SW Third Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
phone: 503-241-2401
Posted by
8:11:00 AM
Labels: 97204, exhibit, fun, news, Patagonia, photographer, photography, South America
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Around the world
Flickr has a fun new feature: a map of the world on which you can check off all the countries you've visited. Here's mine:
While I tend to think of myself as well traveled, this definitely puts into perspective how much more there is to discover. And for the geographically challenged, here's a list: Argentina, Austria , Belgium, Brasil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Fresh off the plane...
I just returned home yesterday after 3+ amazing and fun weeks in South America. We spent over 2 full weeks on the road exploring Patagonia with friends, and I found myself desperately deleting files from my laptop to make room for the daily average of 6 GB of new photos. Thankfully I did a full back up of my laptop before we left. Mostly in case of theft or disaster, neither of which occurred. I have a last minute photo shoot this afternoon, but hope to get some fresh images up on the website very soon.
I will also be working on a second photo exhibit for the Morning Star Cafe. Mats and various other supplies have been ordered and I am targeting an opening at the start of February. I have yet to speak to the owners about a reception, but hopefully we'll be able to put together another First Thursday opening night. Stay tuned!
Posted by
11:33:00 AM
Labels: adventure, exhibit, news, Patagonia, photography, South America, travel